Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I've been extremely busy today..I'm worn out! And I'm not looking forward to driving tomorrow..most teens are like "I get to drive now!! Yay!!" And I'm like "Dad..pick me up.." I don't know why I hate it so much maybe it's just the length or the same old scenery I've seen for 5 years. 
I missed Beau while I was at school today! I just couldn't wait to get home because when I let him out of his "house" he's so happy!
Oh! By the way...Beau slept ALL NIGHT! Yes! All night long!! I was so proud!! And he actually had one accident today in Nana's laundry room...and when I got on to him he looked at me like "sorry ma..." It was cute!
Him and jax (my moms dog) have been playing together and everything a lot more than yesterday! I didn't think to take some pictures just because I was doing something or other at that moment.
So Beau has been doing really good and he's getting used to this routine I've got going! I just can't wait to spend all day with him! 
He's sound asleep the same place he was yesterday! 

So shayne today had the most hilarious remark in 7th hour to some girl saying he wasn't "strong" I'm not going to say what he said but it made everyone laugh as he walked out! (She said it first so he wasn't just being mean!) it literally made my day because she shut up and sat down!  I really love the "bluntness" and "honesty" about him! Sometimes I wish I could be more blunt with people and just tell them how it is..some people need that..and I wish they had that! So I'm very lucky to be with someone who's not ashamed or scared to defend himself or someone else!
Well I'm really tired and I need some sleep! (Even though I get a bunch..) 
Goodnight all!

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