Sunday, November 17, 2013


This post is yes, about Beau. He has been a naughty little puppy all weekend! From accidents, to not coming when I call, whining in his crate, and not to mention CHEWING UP A CHARGER.
So as you can imagine I'm worn out from this weekend. This is defiantly hard work but Beau is so fun and I'm so happy that I got him! 
So probably the biggest thing he did that was naughty was have an accident on my bed...oh my gosh. I wanted to cry I was so tired and wanted to sleep. But instead I had to go get new sheets and change them which resulted in exerting 25 minutes of pathetic energy.
The most important part of this weekend though was my baby sisters 6th birthday! She's growing up so fast and 6 years ago today I was blessed with a baby sister! She was so cute! And still is! I love her so much and she means everything to me! She's so sweet and "cool"! I love you Mackenzie!
Such a little cutie pie! I love her so much!
So for those of you who don't know that I have two cats YES I do and they are brats!
Tinkerbell (left) is the fattest animal on the planet and she's 9 years old ): she's getting to be an old lady): she's so mean to everyone but me and my mom ! 
Gracie (right) is the strangest animal on the planet, half the time she acts like she's drunk and runs into stuff! But she's super cuddly and sweet!
Well that's pretty much all that's happened this weekend. Not much. I didn't get to see my Shayne which upset me! I missed him bunches this weekend! 
Goodnight all!

Thursday, November 14, 2013


So last night was my first night away from Beau, which was fine although I missed him. But I think he missed me more...
Strangely this made me happy because it reminded me a lot of "Marley and Me".
So today at school was good I've just had a long day...I need a break and I can't wait for Thanksgiving break. 
And when I got home I had to take care of Beau. But I figured out if I don't let him take long naps then he will be so worn out at night he won't even cry when I lay him in his house! 
So right now he's sleeping next to me and when I'm done with this ill out him in! I would love for him to sleep with me but my beds so high off the ground I'm scared it might hurt him if he accidently fell.
So after Shayne got done working he came per to hang out with Beau and I!
And by this time Beau was already worn out. 
Beau is defiantly a cutie! And I love him! But he has been very naughty the past two days without me!
We had to rearrange his house and supplies so he wouldn't pull them off! 
Well that's all I have today!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


So today's isn't going to be very long, or much meaningful...anyway, today I'm going to talk about a book I'm reading which is by Wesley Fox, and it's called "House of Echos". I'm really excited about reading it because I actually went on a paranormal investigation in Branson with him his wife and some other people! Which was really cool! And interesting! 
So literally, this is pretty much it..but I will be talking about this book because I very interested in the paranormal. And I like to talk about it, especially when someone is as interested as I am! 
Beau was naughty today! He had two other accidents! And he cried all day, probably because he missed his mommy! I did stop by and see him and he cried of excitement like he does every time I let him out! 
Me and shayne also had a really good day together full of laughs which always makes everyday better!
More on him tomorrow and hopefully more than just this!
And more on Beau!<3

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I've been extremely busy today..I'm worn out! And I'm not looking forward to driving tomorrow..most teens are like "I get to drive now!! Yay!!" And I'm like "Dad..pick me up.." I don't know why I hate it so much maybe it's just the length or the same old scenery I've seen for 5 years. 
I missed Beau while I was at school today! I just couldn't wait to get home because when I let him out of his "house" he's so happy!
Oh! By the way...Beau slept ALL NIGHT! Yes! All night long!! I was so proud!! And he actually had one accident today in Nana's laundry room...and when I got on to him he looked at me like "sorry ma..." It was cute!
Him and jax (my moms dog) have been playing together and everything a lot more than yesterday! I didn't think to take some pictures just because I was doing something or other at that moment.
So Beau has been doing really good and he's getting used to this routine I've got going! I just can't wait to spend all day with him! 
He's sound asleep the same place he was yesterday! 

So shayne today had the most hilarious remark in 7th hour to some girl saying he wasn't "strong" I'm not going to say what he said but it made everyone laugh as he walked out! (She said it first so he wasn't just being mean!) it literally made my day because she shut up and sat down!  I really love the "bluntness" and "honesty" about him! Sometimes I wish I could be more blunt with people and just tell them how it is..some people need that..and I wish they had that! So I'm very lucky to be with someone who's not ashamed or scared to defend himself or someone else!
Well I'm really tired and I need some sleep! (Even though I get a bunch..) 
Goodnight all!

Monday, November 11, 2013


First of all, let me say: Thank you to all of our veterans. You have truly made America what it is today, I thank all of you for your duty and it is truly an honor to have such amazing people serve for our country! 
And now..Beau is here!!

This morning was a little crazy, just figuring out how much we have and where we are going and things like that. But after all the craziness we finally got to Dana's to get him! With Lilly anxious to meet her little bro!
When we got there (which was in the nick of time since she was headed out of town!) we drove up after saying goodbye to her. And there he was with Oscar (his brother) who ended up coming with us today because he needed to be puppy-sat! 
Here's Lilly and Beau's "introduction" to eachother:
I think Lilly was more scared of them than they were of her! Or maybe it was the realization she wasn't an only child anymore..poor thing! 
So on our way to norman both puppies sat with me and Lilly in the back. 
So we arrived at petsmart and unloaded the crew. (3 puppies D: ) and man did they attract attention! 
Oh and Mr.Beau decided to fly out of the basket..and after that he KNEW that that was "naughty" and he decided to nap the rest of the time:
Lilly was so good and Shayne held her the hole time plus she did great around other dogs!
The happy big sister!(:
Well, after the FIRST trip to petsmart we went back because we didn't get a crate..(smart, right?) so we unloaded the entire crew AGAIN whom was already exhausted from flying, barking, and being a new big sister. The second time was not amusing to ANYONE.
Here's Beau's name tag! 
So after that we headed to Starbucks! (Did I mention I found $40.00 in Starbucks gift cards??) I got a Cotton Candy Frappe! OH MY GOSH. If you love Starbucks and haven't heard of "Starbucks Secret Menu" go there. NOW. They have amazing flavors like candy cane, peaches and cream, and so much more!! I think there's like 125? ANYWAY. Here's my Cotton Candy Frappe!
Next on the list was City Bites for lunch! Shayne just are Mc.Donalds! Haha, he's not much for "fancy eatery" which just makes me love him even more! 
So FINALLY we were home at last!
Oscar is at Shaynes and is doing great! And Mr.Beau is with me! Here's an update!
ONE ACCIDENT!- Yay! It was ALOT though!
FIRST BATH!- and it was adorable! And of course there was TONS of Pictures!
MEETING JAX- which is his Uncle. Here's Jax's reaction!
BEAU LOVES SLEEPING- he's taken atleast 3-4 naps! He's such a calm puppy I love it!
I'm typing this while he's lying beside me! Like a baby! 
He's just so cute!
I'm going to be so upset tomorrow at school leaving him here! 
And honestly I'm looking forward to getting up with him tonight! 
Well everyone..I hope you are enjoying this as much as I am! I will continue to do these and make them more about many things! And always include Lilly and Beau!
And thank you Veterans once more! 

Sunday, November 10, 2013


So ever since we have decided to get Beau and got permission to keep him, I've literally been counting down days. I literally feel like the Les Miserables cast singing "One Day More" ... 
It's one more day away...I can't think straight I'm so excited! 

So in addition to getting Beau we are going to take his big sis Lilly! 
I hope they love each other! 
Anyway, I'm watching the movie "Clueless". I've loved this movie since forever! I think it's so funny how when I was younger I didn't understand a lot of this stuff..and now I'm thinking "My Lord what did they let me watch?!" 
I think I can literally quote this entire movie...and what's sad is people think I'm like Cher! 

So, It's seven and I'm debating going to bed so tomorrow can get here faster .. I'm like a child on Christmas...except, I'm Santa, the present isn't free OR potty trained...
Oh well, that's why this blog is here! To talk about my baby Beau! <3 And of course everything else! 

Well everyone...BIGGGG day and post tomorrow! I'm so excited! TONS of pictures, and more! So just beware...and bear with me! I'm about to burst!


Saturday, November 9, 2013

Bad Seed

So the play I went to was called "Bad Seed". I've never heard of it before and oh my goodness. That was the most amazing okay I've ever seen. And I've seen broadway plays. This was put on by a high school. It was amazing. I just thought I'd share this with everyone! So bravo Choctaw High School!



Today someone very important to me is turning 20! Just kidding, but it is someone's birthday today! My moms! My gorgeous, sweet, amazing, caring, lovely mommy! So I'm very happy to say: Happy Birthday Mom!
Baseball Trip This Summer! So much fun!
Doesn't she look twenty though? I think she does...<3
Anyway, today has been kind of a lazy/up and around day. I started it off by waking up and taking a shower with plans of hanging out at my Nonas today. Which luckily ended up happening and we all went to lunch together! She just got back from probably an amazing trip to Italy and she's still getting used to the time change! Like right now its 5:17 PM and I guess its an 8 hour difference so middle of the night for her! Anyway right now she's taking a nap because its 3 AM to her! Haha. So while she's off dreaming about Italy I'm working on this project for school...which I actually have 3 to do *sigh*. But this one is called a "Picture File" and its for ASL (American Sign Language) Honestly, I think $40 is a lot for one silly little project but anyway...its becoming a bit of a nuisance..the binder is at least 6 lbs alone. Combine it with my backpack which isn't the lightest thing on this planet, add a lunchbox, add a U.S. History Book and Binder, and an A.P Language binder. Maybe it's school that is becoming a nuisance...
I can very well say I'm already ready for summer...this year is actually going by very quickly. In the blink of an eye I was in 8th grade, then a sophomore, now a junior, and before I know it I'll be in college. It's crazy to think about!
So I'm still crazily excited about getting Beau soon. Monday is only 1 more day away! Does anyone else just love Petsmart? I just honestly cannot wait to go in there...I don't really know why though! Maybe it has something to do with the "Pet-Lover" smell!
Another thing I did today was see a memorial which actually has a lot of my relatives names included in it!

So this was very pretty and neat to see!
Also I though I might show what I ate for lunch:
I had chicken quesidillas (which I consumed to quickly to get a picture) and rice! Which was very  yummy!
So my Nona brought back these chocolates from Italy...Oh.My.Gosh.
They were amazing!
Anyway, Im off to see a play!
Bye for now!

Friday, November 8, 2013


I'm so happy its fall. I love the cold weather (minus the wind, which causes my tangled hair). I love the jeans and sweatshirts weather, or a light jacket. And what else could make this fall perfect? Oh, right, the fact that Shayne and I are adopting a puppy! Beau! (Hint: The name LillyBeau; His dog +  Our Dog) He is a Beagle Blue Heeler mix and man is he a cutie!

Meet Mr. Beau Hughes! 

That little face just kills me! 

So Monday we are out of school for Veterans day! (I WILL have a post about this) YAY! Well on Monday Shayne and I will be picking up Beau! We are going to take him to Petsmart with his big sis Lilly! (Trust me, a camera will be in my hands at all times) 
So while I'm on the topic of petsmart, here is our list! 
  • A Crate
  • Baby Boy Blankets (For the Crate)
  • Toys
  • Treats
  • Food
  • Training Pads
  • Collar
  • I.D. Tag
Money...Money....Money...haha oh well, I'm very thankful for my job! Which reminds me, 30 days of thanks! Obviously this is November 8, and I just started this, so this is my 1st thing, but actually ninth...

9. My Family- They are the ones who support me, guide me, help me, love me, and care for me no matter what! I love my family and I'd be lost without them! They mean the world to me! 

OOTD: Amethyst Jeans, one of Bay's (sisters) sweatshirts, Sperrys, and last but not least, mismatched neon socks.
What I Ate: Honestly I cannot remember what I had for breakfast, but for lunch I had popcorn chicken! Yum! Not really, they were disgusting. For dinner I had a BBQ sandwich with pasta salad! And for desert, a pumpkin spice cookie with cream cheese chips! 
Highlight Of My Week: Getting my puppy Beau! So Excited!

So I guess that is it for this post, as you can tell Beau is extremely exciting for me! This will be MY first puppy, like my actual dog, the one I take with me to my  own house when I get older and have a house! 
Goodnight All!
