Sunday, October 22, 2017


How far along? 28 Weeks! 
How big is the peanut? Large Eggplant. 14.8 Inches, and around 2.2 pounds! 
Total weight gain/loss? Even though I don't think this is super important, around 6-7 pounds. 
Maternity clothes? Not yet! Sometimes I do wear maternity jeans if I want to look nicer, but I can still fit into pre-pregnancy jeans. I normally wear leggings! 
Sleep? Sucks. I've been having a terrible time trying to get to sleep, staying asleep, and falling back asleep after I wake up to use the bathroom. Which is about 2-3 times a night, depending on when I stop drinking. 
Best moment this week? So far, the best moment has been just spending the time I was able to with Shayne. He got called in today (Sunday) so we only had Saturday together. I enjoyed every minute of it!
Symptoms? Not really any, honestly. I was able to beg my doctor enough last appointment to give me acid reflux medicine. So, I don't have any of those issues anymore! I ate banana peppers the other night and didn't have ANY reflux! The only other symptom I have is just mild uncomfortableness. Which, this really only "hits" me at night when I go to lay down. I also get tired pretty fast if I'm up doing something. Honestly, if it wasn't for her moving, I don't know if I'd know I was pregnant! 
Food cravings? Still none, I never really have craved anything. And when I do, its nothing that is like out of the ordinary or weird. It's not things I don't like or things I don't find myself eating. 
Food aversions? Nope, had these early on, but now as long as I'm feeling hungry there's nothing that I flat out refuse that I typically like. 
Gender? Girl! 
Labor signs? The only "sign" of labor I think I have is just some pressure. I haven't felt this yet and it really started Friday. 
Belly button in or out? Still in! 
What I miss? Really nothing! My pregnancy has been pretty breezy and I have no serious complaints! Just every once in a while I'm uncomfortable, that's it! I do miss sleeping on my tummy though! 
What I'm looking forward to? Drinking a glass of Cupcake wine. Since I only want one glass, I don't need anyone to watch her. Shayne has already got dibs. 
Milestones? Hello Third Trimester! 
Bump?  I will take a bumpie later this week, and update this post! For now here is a picture that sort of shows my bump! 

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