So, if you didn't already know, I'm OBSESSED with American Horror Story (AHS). I'm going to answer the tag questions about the show, I just thought it would be fun to do! So, here are the questions and my answers!
1. Who do you think the next supreme is?
Considering I JUST started the third season, I don't really know much about the supreme..
2. Which is your favorite episode?
This is hard. My favorite episode is probably "The Name Game" from season 2...or the last episode of season 2...or second to last...I also loved the episode in the first season where we learn about Dr. Montgomery and Nora.
3. Which is your favorite season? Why?
This is hard. Because I love haunted houses, and I love insane asylums. Like I said, I don't know much about the third season. I can't really decide. I love the characters from season one so much. The music too, but I love the story in season 2.
4. Who is your favorite character?
Lana Lana Bo Banna Banana Fanna Fo Fanna Mi My Mo Manna, Lana <3
Judy Judy Bo Boody Banana Fanna Fo Foody Mi My Mo Moody, Judy <3
5. Who is your least favorite character?
EASY. BEN HARMON. Why? Because I can't stand people who cheat on their wives or husbands.
6. Who is your crush (boy and girl)?
Probably either Tate/Kit and Lana..or Violet.
7. What was the most shocking moment for you?
This is kinda hard..probably when we find out that Violet is dead. Either that or when the fry Judy with electric shock. Or when we figure out really who Bloody Face is.
8. What do you think is going to happen next?
I'm not really understanding this question..if we are talking about when the seasons are over..then in season 1 people are going to keep moving into the house and the good hosts will drive them off. Season 2, Lana will live her life fully until she dies. Same with Kit.
9. If you could be one character, who would it be? Why?
Hmmm, either Lana or Violet. Lana because she is so brave and tough. Violet because she is so badass.
10. If you could have any power, what would it be?
I think this one has to do with the 3rd season, which like I said I haven't watched. But honestly a power I would like to have is to be a ghost. It would be so fun!
11. Who do you think the worst mother is?
Again, I feel like they are talking about the third season, but if they aren't, I'd have to go with Constance. Don't get me wrong I love her. She's so awesome, but she really is a little witchy....first off theres the fact she pretty much locks all her children away. Then the fact she tries to make all of them come alive.
Hope you guys enjoyed!
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