I can't believe this little sugar butt will be four months old on Thursday. She is the greatest joy of mine. I cannot even begin to describe how amazing and fun it has been to watch this little human that we made go from a wrinkly little newborn to a busy little infant. It seems like every single day she does something new! She can roll over from her tummy to her back, and from her back to her tummy unassisted. She has started laughing. She found her feet. She has slept through the night I think three or four times, other than that she only wakes once a night. She has found her feet but really only plays with them on her changing table. She loves to be bounced and to face outward to see what all is going on. She only likes to be snuggled by three or four people. She is a little sleep fighter though! It's pretty awful some days. She has also started to try and sit up by herself! She loves to blow spit bubbles and now since she learned to do that she whines and spits at the same time when she's mad! She no longer has the little, pitiful newborn cry. The girl has found her voice...
She loves the dogs and thinks Gracie is funny! She loves to be outside as well, just not in the wind!
We have made it to four months on mommy milk. Which is so awesome to me! I'm very proud of myself for giving her the best start (Not knocking people that use formula!). It is very hard and time-consuming to pump like I do, but it's worth it to take credit for her growing!
Her next Dr.'s appointment is on the 14th. I'm not ready for her to get more shots because it broke my heart last time but I know it is necessary!
She is spoiled rotten. She loves when mommy sings "Part of Your World" from The Little Mermaid. But it has to be me that sings it. It can't even be the recording. She is also going through the phase of being very clingy to me (makes sense), and she does not like strangers to hold her. She doesn't mind them talking to her though. She is a very stress-sensitive baby too. She can definitely tell when I'm even slightly stressed out, and in turn, she acts belligerent. She loves her bouncer, her teepee, and there are a few toys she prefers over others.