Saturday, March 5, 2016


Today I took Mackenzie to the zoo <3 


So I know I've neglected this for a few days. I think the last post I wrote was when I wasn't in a great mood. But I'm back now! I'm just going to re-strart by sharing some pictures from the last few days! That makes it easier than me re-thinking about what I did that day and writing separate posts!

I've been super crafty lately, and that fajita chicken was AMAZING. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Today was my day off of work and school, which was really nice. I needed a break, especially after yesterday. When I mean a break I just mean being able to be home all day. But, even though I just stayed home I got soooooo much done. My closet is now finished, finally. Shayne hasn't started his but he didn't have near as many clothes as I did! I also cleaned everywhere today, which it needed. Our study room now has a cute envelope system and organizer on the wall. Which was one of the things on my to do list. I also unpacked two or three more boxes, but inside of them were just tons of small things that didn't need to be displayed but meant something to me so it was worth keeping. So today for breakfast again I had some yogurt. I bought so much of it that I'm trying to eat it every morning! Its always super good in my opinion. Plus my coffee, which today didn't have the same effect as yesterday but, I suspect I'm a little depressed from yesterday so I won't blame the coffee.

But as you can see I was pretty occupied today with cleaning. The maintenance guys interrupted me though about half way through!

It was somewhat nice outside today so I left the balcony doors open {air off of course} and let the pups go in and out, which I think they LOVE.

Plus, I got to make my first thing in a crock pot! I'm so excited to try this...right now its only 4 o clock, so it still has a few hours. Plus Shayne isn't here yet, so dinner is just sitting on the counter smelling delicious. 

I know this looks like a lot but it really isn't. Shayne also eats a lot so don't worry about anything going to waste. Now, I used a recipe from pinterest. But it was supposed to serve 4-6. And even though Shayne eats a lot, he doesn't eat that much. Plus we still have mac and cheese from the other day. So we don't want to have all of our left overs go to waste! 
I'll put the link to the original recipe at the bottom of this post!

I started out with 3 potatoes, these are smaller than they look on the picture.

You put them at the bottom of the crock pot. Followed by whatever vegetables you would like! You could do green beans, or broccoli, we used carrots and mushrooms because thats all we had.

Next you just put the chicken breasts {recipe says 4, but my two were HUGE}

Next is one teaspoon of oregano. 

1/2 a teaspoon of seasoned salt

and 1/4 a teaspoon of black pepper

garlic, minced.

& I just like to mix all that together in a small bowl. 

Then you put it over the chicken and rub it on.

Next is 4 TBSP of lemon juice.

2/3 cup of chicken stock.
And then you let it cook on low for 6 hours or high for 3. I'm letting mine sit a little longer since I may have added too many potatoes...whoops.

Here is the organizer I made today. In high school we watched Dave Ramsey and decided we would do the envelope system.

But of course it had to look cute, right?


Puppies and I went on a walk, it was fun! 

Then I watched the princess diaries. The best movie ever. 

Dinner was amazing! 
