Monday, February 29, 2016


Well I totally didn't expect to write this post tonight. Or in the next few nights. And now it's raining, nice. So what started out as a good day ended very shortly and unexpectedly. But we will start off on the right foot.
I started the morning by having the same thing I did yesterday. Strawberry yogurt with coffee. I was in a super good mood, excited to see my nana, my mom, dad. Everyone. First I sat on the computer for a while and did some things there. After a while my nana texted me and I started heading down to what used to be "home". I went in and it felt totally weird going in. All my stuff was gone, just weird. Tinker bell and Gracie totally missed me which was sweet. I missed them so much. So my nana arrived and the first thing we did was go get my taxes signed. Next we went to the creepiest place for lunch and ended up not eating it and going to braums for ice cream instead.

Before I forget, here is a little snack I made today.

I just used some of the greek yogurt from last nights dinner and covered blueberries with it. It was super good and probably decent for you. 

This was right before I left, aka when i was super happy and just in a great mood.

And then comes the phone call I got waiting at the tag agency with my mom. My birthday present from almost 11 years ago was at the vet getting ready to be put to sleep. Harley was born on March 2, 2005. And died today, Monday, February 29, 2016. We got him a few months after we moved to Oklahoma. We had him for a few years and then had to give him to my grandma because my dad nor my moms rent houses allowed pets. 

So he has been with my grandma for years now. Of course I visited him all the time and Beau liked him. He was such a good dog. He always smelled really bad, like when you touched him, you'd smell bad until you took a shower.

This was just a few minutes before they laid him down and let him sleep. He looked so sad, it broke my heart.

Then I went to school later that night, I went to lab but since the professor wasn't teaching us I just left. But before I left I needed some energy. This was actually really good, I only had half of it, but it provided some energy. 
Now I'm just in a suckish mood. Nobody and nothing is really helping it either.




I'm currently working a day behind on these posts, but tonight I will be on track! Although tonights post won't be AS interesting as this one because I've been out all day working on things and there is no dinner /: Plus tonight {monday night} I have school from 5:30-9:50. So Shayne has the leftovers from Sunday night to have for dinner. 

^That was probably super confusing. Anyway...

Sunday we woke up and had our normal quick breakfast. Which for me is a yogurt cup and for him is froot loops! We had to eat it fast though because we met my dad and Shana at church. We had an awesome time there with them plus...we got a crock pot! I'm way too excited about this. But it will be nice to just leave something in there all day and have it ready when we get home form school or work. 

So like I said, this was our normal breakfast. And I was busy writing Saturday's post! Not much went on between church and dinner. We both went to work. Then after work we had to go to walmart because we didn't have dinner! I don't eat junk food and I wanted to make something good for both of us.

Shayne thought that Beau just looked hilarious like this. He was chewing on a bone that he had just stolen from his sister.

So for dinner we had some amazing mac and cheese. I got this idea from buzzfeeed and pinterest. I wanted to make it healthy for me and I wanted to make it good for him. So the buzzfeed recipe calls for lots of milk {basically boil the pasta in milk}, tons of cheese and butter and all that other fattening stuff. But the pinterest one called for Almond milk {just a little} and greek yogurt. 

So you start by bringing your water to a boil and cooking your noodles {whatever your personal preference is, we wanted large elbows} until al dente. 

Don't forget to add the salt!

Then, this next part happened so quickly I couldn't really take pictures of it. You strain your pasta noodles but don't rinse them with water. You add 1/4 cup of two different cheeses. We used mozzarella and cheddar. A 1/4 of the unsweetened greek yogurt, and just a little bit of almond milk. 

here is the aftermath of everything happening so fast. 

Next {this part is from buzzfeed} you take breadcrumbs and transfer your mac and cheese to a cast iron skillet. You put bread crumbs on top and spray with cooking oil. **DONT FORGET THE COOKING OIL**

You broil it for 5-7 minutes, and we did 6. 

It was so yummy, but we had so much left over we are using it for the rest of the week! 

After dinner we curled up and watched some ghost adventures together. 


Sunday, February 28, 2016


This morning started out like any other I guess. I had to work today but not until 2. Plus, I get up early so I can make Shayne breakfast and pack his lunch for work. I have discovered my new favorite thing to eat though. Our breakfast was really good this morning! I tried something totally new and I loved it! Plus I have some ideas for the same exact ingredients but different ways to eat it! Normally I hate avocados, but what I came up with is so delicious!
Basically all I did was scramble two egg whites, I mashed an avocado, made some turkey bacon, and made some 45 calorie toast! I spread the avocado on both sides of the toast, one strip of turkey bacon and halted the bread piece in twos, now, you could totally do this with two slices of bread. Depending on what bread you have though thats going to make the calories higher. Mine is 90 for two slices and 45 for one. The egg whites are 34 calories, and one strip of turkey bacon is 35.The avocado has calories in it, but it has so many vitamins and nutrients in it too. A full avocado has 234 calories, but the amount I used only has about 25. 

Now of course Shayne is entirely different, his breakfast consisted of 3 strips of turkey bacon, four slices of bread and three scrambled eggs. 
The thing I miss most about eating whatever I want not only is sweets, but egg yolks...0.o 
I love over easy eggs, or as we like to call them "dippy eggs". And I think those would go so good on an english muffin with turkey bacon and cheese and avocado...

This morning I just kind of laid around, my dad and Shana came to visit me, and then I got ready for work. 
I think a while back I did a make-up routine, but its very out-dated so here is a new one!
Here is my fresh face, ew.

The basket of makeup that I use daily, but I have more baskets of other types of make-up I just don't use them daily.

I start out with the Dream Fresh BB Cream by Maybelline.  

Then I contour with this palette I got for christmas, I was the medium shade of brown.

Then I use a cosmetic sponge and some concealer to highlight.

This is the blush from lancome that I use for blush and for eyeshadow. Its such a pretty color.

Next I use the darkest brown of this lancome palette for my crease.

I use some Elf liquid eyeliner.

My mary kay brown eye brow pencil

And I finish my makeup off with the priming mascara from lancome, and then the better than sex mascara from too faced. I use a revlon eye lash curler and then my regular face powder form lancome.

Some days I use this straightener from NuMe, and other days I use my Chi, it totally depends on what I feel like.

And you all know what I look like and of course I forgot to take a picture anyway. We didn't have anything for dinner (well I didn't) and for lunch I think I had a granola bar. We are just so busy that sometimes its hard to make something or have something. And I don't eat any junk food so that makes it ten times harder/: 


Friday, February 26, 2016


Here are the awesome pictures from the awesome cruise! We went to Progresso and Cozumel! It was so much fun and we had a BLAST! Enjoy! And be sure to check my youtube channel for the vlogs, they are coming as soon as possible!